To all the volunteers and volunteer groups out there in the 3D Printing Community around the world,
We wanted to take this time to express our gratitude to you in helping make and donate 3D printed supplies to our 1st responders, healthcare workers, and essential workers on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19.
We know how material costs can really add up and we’d like to offer our help to add your profile to our Meet the Volunteers page which can include links to your websites, social media pages, and GoFundMe.
Operation Make was created as a platform to help match volunteers and volunteer groups across the world directly with the donation requests coming straight from the boots on the ground (nurses, essential workers). For this reason, Operation Make does not accept direct monetary donations and instead allows requesters to provide monetary contributions directly to the individual volunteers and volunteer groups.
If you’d like us to help share your story or volunteer group’s story, please reply back to this email with any of the below optional information and we’ll feature you in an upcoming post on our website and social media accounts to help spread the cause: instagram, facebook, twitter.
- Picture: of you/group with your 3d printed donations that you’d like us to share
- Name:
- Location:
- Occupation:
- Donation Items and Recipients: locations/facilities/organizations of items that you’ve donated to
- Hobbies: activities you normally enjoy doing especially once the pandemic is over
- Instagram @username: if available
- Website:
- GoFundMe: optional link to your personal GoFundMe
- Additional information: anything else you’d like us to share?
If you interested in being featured, please send your reply to:
As always, if you find yourself low on donation requests, feel free to view the Open Requests board here.
Or having trouble keeping up with your demand? Feel free to submit a Donation Request here and it will automatically show up on the same Open Requests board for other volunteers to help out.
Matt Shigekawa, USMC Veteran, Volunteer and Co-Founder
Apple Catherine Acosta, RN, Volunteer and Co-Founder

Click here for an example of our #MeetTheMakerVolunteers post